Posted by SainSmart on

** SainSmart Arduino Day Giveaway **

To celebrate Arduino Day 2016, we are offering fantastic deals on Arduino related items from March 23th. to Arduino Day (April 2rd).

That's not all! We are giving away SainSmart Arduino kits.
Entering is easy, please follow:
1. Post your Arduino-based project(pictures or video) on your own Facebook page, which must include a SainSmart component/widget;
2. Share it on your page and @SainSmart;
We’re collecting responses from the time this post goes live until April 2rd. and four winners will be announced on our facebook then.
We’ll send 4 of the posters a free SainSmart Ultimate Arduino Kit for participating! Good luck!

Enjoy ‪#‎ArduinoDay‬, Enjoy ‪#‎SainSmart‬ Offer! ‪#‎giveaway‬... See More


SainSmart 2WD Smart Car Chassis Kit Tracing Car

Regular Price: $12.99 / Arduino Day Price:$8.99


40 Pins GPIO+ Breadboard + 37 Sensors All-in-1 Kit

Regular Price: $32.99 / Arduino Day Price:$25.99

SainSmart InstaBots 2-Wheel Self-Balancing Robot Kit Pro/V3(Step by Step Manuals)

Regular Price: $109.99 / Arduino Day Price:$92.99


1.8 ST7735R TFT LCD Module with MicroSD LED Backlight

Regular Price: $12.99 / Arduino Day Price:$8.99


UNO + HC-SR04 + 4WD Mobile Car +Sensor V5 + L298N Robot

Regular Price: $64.99 / Arduino Day Price:$48.99
